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How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies
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How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

fruit fly

How To Get Rid of Fruit Flies

Is your kitchen or pantry swarming with small, pesky fruit flies? First and foremost it's important to identify their sources of food, they especially like decaying fruit. Check any areas where organic material might occur: garbage cans, disposals, cupboards, Fruit bowls etc. Once you have cut off the main root of sustenance for these critters the best way to dispose them is trapping - I highly recommend a DIY Fruit Fly Trap that can help capture and kill quickly! To prevent this from happening again in future store fruits inside refrigerator rather than keeping outside counters; also remember to empty garbage bins regularly as well.



Key Points

  • Remove organic material food sources
  • Clean surfaces and drains of sticky residue
  • Use Apple Cider Vinegar + Alcohol Trap


What causes fruit flies in the house? Where do fruit flies come from?


Fruit flies are common household pests, but where do they come from? Fruit flies can find their way into homes from a variety of sources. Female fruit flies are especially hardy creatures and can lay up to 500 eggs in one sitting, with mating only two days after they become adults. Fruit flies are most attracted to fermenting fruits and vegetables or decaying fruit — an indication that this is often the source of where they originate from. In addition to their infatuation with rotten produce, fruit fly larvae may also be found in sewage systems or drains. It is important to identify the cause of your own fruit fly dilemma in order to take steps towards prevention and control.


How to get rid of fruit flies for once and for all?

Fruit flies love to feast on fermenting fruits and vegetables which can lead to a full-blown infestation in your home. One of the best ways to eliminating this problem is by removing any decaying fruit, as these are prime food sources for the flies. Further preventative steps include typically cleaning open alcohol, organic waste spills and countertops and ensuring that sinks are regularly cleaned, so they don't become breeding grounds. Skipping any of these steps could prevent successful eradication of the pests and can cause larger infestations that require further serious measures.


fruit flies

Clean all surfaces

To help prevent the spread of fruit flies, make sure to keep countertops and other surfaces clean. Cleaning is a key factor in eliminating breeding grounds for these pesky critters!

fruit flies


Get rid of overripe or rotting fruit and veg

Keep fresh produce safe by disposing of overly ripe or rotting items. Inspect fruits and vegetables for decay, spoilage, and over-maturity before storing them - this will help to prevent female fruit flies from laying their eggs on the surfaces.


fruit flies

Take the bins out regularly

By taking out the bins on a regular basis, you can keep your home clean and pest-free. A few minutes of effort will go a long way to prevent bugs from unwelcomely lingering around!


fruit flies

Clean the sink and drains

Prevent pesky fruit flies from invading your kitchen by diligently ridding sinks and drains of food particles and residue. Establishing this habit will help protect against an unwelcome infestation.

fruit fly


Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar And Dish Soap Trap

One of the easiest ways to get rid of them is to make an apple cider vinegar trap and dish soup trap: mix Apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap in a shallow container, then place it near the area where you've noticed a fruit fly infestation. Fruit flies are drawn to the smell of the vinegar, but will drown once they go in and have trouble getting out again due to the soap's surface tension. If you change the trap regularly, you can reduce your fruit fly population in no time!


Apple Cider Vinegar and Plastic Wrap Trap (Clingfilm)

To create a DIY apple cider vinegar fruit fly trap at home with plastic wrap, start by cutting a piece of plastic wrap large enough to fit over the mouth of a plastic bottle or jar. Secure in place with a rubber band and make several small holes in the top with a pair of scissors. Pour apple cider vinegar into the container and replace the plastic wrap tight over the mouth, then watch as pesky Fruit Flies become trapped!


Don't Worry! There Are Other Effective Alternative To Apple Cider Vinegar

There is an easy way to trap them without needing apple cider vinegar. The beer or wine trap is an effective technique for trapping fruiy flies in the home. Fruit flies are attracted to fermenting fruits and vegetables and by leaving out a bottle with old stale beer or wine, the flies will be drawn in but unable to escape since the narrow neck of the bottle acts as a natural barrier. This prevents fruit flies from laying eggs near decaying fruit and vegetables or around food preparation areas, which can also reduce their presence.


lemon grass spray

Homemade Natural Lemongrass Oil Spray

To combat this problem, a homemade spray consisting of hot water and lemongrass essential oil can work wonders. Simply add two ounces of hot water to a small spray bottle, then 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil. This mixture can then be sprayed onto any surfaces where you're seeing fruit flies land - particularly windowsills and kitchen counters - for an effective remedy.


Try A Chemical Repellent Spray Or Product

Chemical sprays can be a great way to quickly and effectively eliminate these insects, protecting your stored produce from damage. These sprays are easy to use and highly effective at killing pesky fruit flies before they have a chance to ruin your food stores. Make sure you read the instructions on the label of the spray carefully before using it, as many require you to wear protective gear while applying it indoors or outdoors. Once handled with care, chemical sprays can be a great way to rid your home of bothersome fruit flies.

Will Fruit Flies Go Away If I Just Leave Them?

Fruit flies have a lifespan of only two weeks, so the infestation can quickly become worse if left unchecked. Fruit flies tend to appear in greater numbers during the summer and are attracted to fermented fruits and vegetables, along with decaying fruit. Fruit fly populations will usually dwindle once temperatures cool off, but to avoid any potential health risks associated with their presence, it is best to try to get rid of them sooner rather than later. If all else fails, you can simply wait out their life cycle and expect them to disappear – as long as the infestation doesn't get too out of control first!

fruit fly vs fungus gnat


What's the difference between fruit flies and gnats?

Fruit flies and gnats can be easily confused, but there are important distinctions between the two. Fruit flies are typically associated with fermenting fruits and vegetables, whereas gnats feed on decaying fruit. Fruit flies have a reddish-brown color and feature red eye spots, whereas gnats are often light grey with clear wings. Fruit fly larvae feed on the fermented material found in rotting fruit, while gnat larvae live in moist environments like soil or wet leaves. Fruit fly adults generally reach 3-5mm in length while gnat adults measure only 1-2mm. Although they appear similar, both species have evolved unique traits that allow them to thrive in their respective communities.


If you think you may have fungus gnats we have information here to help you identify them.

How To Tell The Difference Between Fungus Gnats and Fruit Flies?




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